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Wheel Throwing

Single session - Wheel throwing (Up to 2 people)
THB 2,500.00

Try making a cup, bowl and/or plates all the wheel! You will learn how to send your clay, make a hole, pull up and shave your pieces.

Duration: 3 hours

Includes all materials, 3 fired pieces, slip painting or choice of glaze, and firing fees.

Single session - Wheel throwing (3-4 people)
from THB 6,900.00

Try making a cup, bowl and/or plates all the wheel! You will learn how to send your clay, make a hole, pull up and shave your pieces.

Duration: 3 hours

Includes all materials, 3 fired pieces, slip painting or choice of glaze, and firing fees.

Hand Building

Single Session - Hand building (Up to 2 people)
from THB 2,200.00

Learn to build your pieces just with your hands! You will learn the fundamental methods of hand building; coiling, slap building and pinching.

Duration : 3 hours

Includes all materials, 3 fired pieces, slip painting or a choice of glaze, and firing fees.

Single Session - Hand building (3-4 people)
THB 2,000.00

Learn to build your pieces just with your hands! You will learn the fundamental methods of hand building; coiling, slap building and pinching.

Duration : 3 hours

Includes all materials, 3 fired pieces, slip painting or a choice of glaze, and firing fees.

Wheel Throwing & Hand Building

Single Session - Wheel throwing & Handbuilding (Up to 4 people)
THB 2,800.00

Try both methods with your friends and family! You will be making hand-built pieces and taking turns on the wheel.perfect for a little party and hang out activity on the weekends :)

Duration: 3 hours

Includes all materials, 3 fired pieces, slick painting or a choice of glaze, and firing fees.

Single Session - Wheel throwing & Handbuilding (4-10 poeple)
THB 2,500.00

Try both methods with your friends and family! You will be making hand-built pieces and taking turns on the wheel.perfect for a little party and hang out activity on the weekends :)

Duration: 3 hours

Includes all materials, 3 fired pieces, slick painting or a choice of glaze, and firing fees.

Clay Meditation
THB 2,300.00

Practice mindfulness through the art of making this workshop focuses more on the journey of than the outcome. The aim is to become grounded with clay and be in flow of the present moment, along with a short guided meditation. You will then be decorating with your own mandalas, either with symbolism of repetitive patterns.

Duration: 2 hours

Include all materials, 3 fired pieces, slip painting or a choice of glaze and firing fees.

THB 2,000.00

Paint and scratch out your designs on premade pieces! Ito is a decoration technique where you paint a layer or two of paint onto the surface of the greenware, and then scratch off the designs revealing the colour of the clay underneath.

Our suggested pre-made pieces are a cup and a dessert plate

Duration: 2 hours

Includes all materials, two pre-made pieces, slip painting, and firing fee

Cut-out pots
THB 2,300.00

Challenge yourself to a cut out workshop! You will be given a pre-made vessel/pot of your choice of shape, and learn how to design and cut out your patterns to create a unique lantern, jar or centipede. You can make it as easy or hard as you like our instructor will make sure to give you the best guidance!

Duration : 2 hours

Includes all materials, one pre-made piece, a choice of glaze, and firing fees.




  • Extra Wheelthrowing (500 bht per person)

  • Use the living room space for other activities. (Living room rental: 1000 bht/hour)


Along with pottery activities, you are welcome to bring your own party decorations  and rent out the homey living space and courtyard for other activities as well (such as bouncy castles, magicians etc). We can do a custom party for you at our studio home!

  • Handbuilding ( make up to 2 pieces per person)

  • Paint your pots

  • Glitter tattoos or face painting

  • Mini Games in the courtyard

For prices please contact us for more details.


more details of our group 3 hour SESSION

You can finish your pieces within the same day by painting with slip paints on greenware. You and your group will be decorating your pieces using sgraffito technique. Oxide glazes and underglazes will not be available in this 3 hour option (requires bisque firing before using these glazes). 

additional fees:

Extra big piece

+400 bht

extra small piece

+200 bht

wine and pottery group.JPG
SLIP PAINT CERAMIC EXAMPLESlip paints are just pigment mixed with clay water, so it can be applied on both fired and non fired pieces. There are many ways of decorating with slip paints.The technique used for the ceramic in the picture above is call…


Slip paints are just pigment mixed with clay water, so it can be applied on both fired and non fired pieces. There are many ways of decorating with slip paints. Sgraffito technique is one of them!

The technique used for the ceramic in the picture above is called Sgraffito method, where coloured-slip paint is applied onto the pre-bisque fired piece first, then the design is done with a carving tool after.


Private sessions

Bring your own wine/alcoholic drinks and lets do some pottery! We have wine glasses but we do not sell alcohol at the studio.

Bring your own wine/alcoholic drinks and lets do some pottery! We have wine glasses but we do not sell alcohol at the studio.

Pottery can be a great activity for winding down. Zoning into a peaceful skill can unlock the peace inside our hearts :)

Pottery can be a great activity for winding down. Zoning into a peaceful skill can unlock the peace inside our hearts :)

Birthday pottery parties are always fun, as you get to hang out with your friends/family and make something together!We have dessert plates and glasses to use. However we do not provide any birthday decorations, candles or sell any cakes, so please …

Birthday pottery parties are always fun, as you get to hang out with your friends/family and make something together!

We have dessert plates and glasses to use. However we do not provide any birthday decorations, candles or sell any cakes, so please bring your own!

Bring your art homework from school to the studio! Invite your classmates and lets do homework together!

Bring your art homework from school to the studio! Invite your classmates and lets do homework together!

We want to encourage everyone to spend quality time with family! Creating and learning a new skill together can bring all members of the family closer.

We want to encourage everyone to spend quality time with family! Creating and learning a new skill together can bring all members of the family closer.

Pottery can be a social activity! We will have choices between team building activities with clay, or just freestyle. Break the ice by creating something together!

Pottery can be a social activity! We will have choices between team building activities with clay, or just freestyle. Break the ice by creating something together!