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For groups 15+ people

Bisque Painting 1 Hr Session
THB 900.00

Painting on bisque with underglazes! In the session you will be decorating with underglazes in any way you would like with our selection of colours. Each participant will be given 2 bisqued pieces to paint on.

Duration : 1 hour

Includes all materials, 1-2 fired pieces, underglazes, and firing fees.

Bisque Painting 2 Hr Session
THB 1,200.00

Painting on bisque with underglazes! In the session you will be decorating with underglazes in any way you would like with our selection of colours. Each participant will be given 2 bisqued pieces to paint on.

Duration : 2 hours

Includes all materials, 1-2 fired pieces, underglazes, and firing fees.

Group - Sgrafitto
THB 1,600.00

Paint then scratch out your designs on premade pieces! Scruffy two is a decoration technique where you paint a layer or two of slip pains onto the surface of the greenware, and then scratch off the designs revealing the colour of the clay underneath.our suggested premade pieces are a cup and a dessert plate.

Duration : 2 hours

Includes all materials, 2 pre-made pieces, slip painting, and firing fees.

Group - Handbuilding
THB 1,800.00

Make hand-built pieces and decorate them with slip paint. In the session participants can choose to make whatever they like. After sketching out their designs we will suggest which methods to use; coiling, pinching or slab building.

Duration: 2 hours

Includes all materials, 1 finished piece, slip paints, and firing fees.